• Dr. Tina Talks Work - DIEB Group Facilitation icon

    Conflict Management & Group Facilitation


    Facilitation is the primary skill used in conflict resolution as facilitation is the process of moving two factions with different points of view toward an amenable resolution.


  • Great leaders conduct hard conversations. Sometimes, however, they are too close to the problem or challenge to see it objectively. Facilitated conversations around group engagement, culture, and the topics of conflict allows organizations to shine a spotlight on areas of conflict or dysfunction and then engages participants in resolving the conflict or identifying a path forward.


    Group facilitation helps provide a safe, process-driven environment for hard conversations around conflict.

    By incorporating facilitation into your Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Belonging program, or into your organizational conflict, change management and problem-solving processes, you provide a safe, process driven environment for hard conversations.

    These conversations - around group engagement, culture, and change - can shine a spotlight on areas of conflict or dysfunctions and help participants so they can resolve these conflicts in a meaningful way. This paves the way for a more positive path going forward. Your entire organization will begin to experience a new, dynamic, trust infused culture and joyous workplace.

    Dr. Tina Talks Work - DIEB Group Facilitation


    Fear is a powerful emotion and a strong motivating force that affects our behaviors, our mood, and our work life.

    And fear driven behaviors can contribute to a less than optimal culture within the workplace.

    Our DIEB Group Facilitation sessions can help. They are:

    Held over 8 hours in one day (live or virtual)

    Includes up to 10 participants

    Sessions can be done in person or online. Our skilled facilitators help you:


    1. Through a variety of complimentary psychometric assessments help each participant identify their preferences and gauge their conflict management style.

    • After completion of psychometric instruments each employee will be provided with individual virtual coaching session(s) based on the outputs from both instruments (1-3 hours).  Feedback is the currency of personal development and research shows that by collecting feedback from a variety of perspectives, individuals can better understand themselves. In a conflict situation, the question of what people value and what they are willing to do to preserve what they value comes into play. Most people will keep what they value top of mind when entering into a conflict with others. There is some overlap between the TKI and MBTI tools in this area such that the two proposed instruments will help to accomplish the task at hand: to provide as much data as possible to each employee so that when we work with them to create action plans and goals, we have tangible markers to show how and where improvement is needed.  


    2. Through group facilitation work to understand how to localize the sources of groups/people’s fear,

    especially when they exert fear driven behaviors


    3. Through group facilitation help participants so they know how to move from

    uninformed expressions to informed expression about root issues leading to workforce optimization .




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    Facilitation is the primary skill used in conflict resolution as facilitation is the process of moving two factions with different points of view toward an amenable resolution.

    For Info on Fee Structure Click HERE  

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    Dr. Tina Talks Work - cpd accredited provier
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    Get in touch


    If you would like to know more about DIEB

    Group facilitation or discuss having a session

    for your organisation, get in touch. You can

    schedule a Work Life Chat with Tina here.